Break free from the parental
programming that claims you're never enough, so you can finally feel loveable and confident in who you are.

Heal your parent wound & come
home to                     


Break free from the parental
programming that claims you're never enough, so you can finally feel loveable and confident in who you are.

Heal your parent wound and come home to                  


as seen in 

as seen in 

I'm Morgan—a psychotherapist, writer, and doctoral researcher committed to helping anxious adults heal from their dysfunctional parents and live life on their own terms.

If you're here, it's likely because you've identified the root of your struggles—growing up with an emotionally immature or narcissistic parent. But since knowing something is not the same thing as actually healing from it, you still struggle with replaying those painful memories on repeat or wishing you could feel just an ounce of "good enough."

In our work, we'll get to the root of your pain so that you can finally let go of your parents' judgments and painful critiques. As we process the traumas of your past, you'll discover the most liberating truth:
the problem was never you.

I'm Morgan—a psychotherapist, writer, and doctoral researcher committed to helping anxious adults heal from their dysfunctional parents and live life on their own terms.

If you're here, it's likely because you've identified the root of your struggles—growing up with an emotionally immature or narcissistic parent. But since knowing something is not the same thing as actually healing from it, you still struggle with replaying those painful memories on repeat or wishing you could feel just an ounce of "good enough."

In our work, we'll get to the root of your pain so that you can finally let go of your parents' judgments and painful critiques. As we process the traumas of your past, you'll discover the most liberating truth: the problem was never you.


Meet Morgan

Your parents were wrong about you.

You've been burdened by your parents' unyielding criticisms, their quick tempers that have you perpetually walking on eggshells, and their emotional hang-ups that make you question if there is something wrong with you. The result is a deep-seated need for external validation, and something I call the 'never good enough wound.'

Using my signature framework—shaped by years of treating the adult children of emotionally immature and narcissistic parents and enriched by training from Dr. Lindsay Gibson herself — I work with anxious, driven, and perfectionist adults to release the weight of your parents' relentless judgements so that you can finally make peace with your past and learn to love yourself again. 

Take YOURSELF back.

Take                 back.



alberta, ontario, & british columbia Residents only


As a trauma therapist deeply versed in the complexities of this type of pain, I'm not here to offer you a temporary escape hatch or generic list of coping skills. Instead, we work together to safely and lovingly mend the scars of your past, while also helping you navigate the communication and boundary challenges that you may still face with your parents or any other loved ones today.


Work With Me

If you are here looking for any of my coursework, I'm thrilled that you're eager to expand your knowledge. While courses offer valuable insights, they aren't a substitute for genuine therapeutic work, so they aren't hosted on my psychotherapy website. For dedicated educational resources, please visit my coaching website where you can access my self-led educational salon.

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